The fabulous DISNEY MAGIC in GrandCayman
When you sail about a cruise ship all the time you tend to get a bit blasae about the ports where you call all the time. In order to try and combat this I have taken to making an effort to get out of the tourist trap areas and see more of the places and island that we stop at. On one such expedition I met up with this amazing lizard - 'fairy dragon - and was enchanted. I am pretty sure that for others he might have been dinner, but for me it was a chance encounter with a wonder of our world.
WHAT AN AMAZING TREE........... big and beautiful and old so must have survived several hurricanes in its time.

Lets get in a bit closer..... hang on a minute - what is that behind my head????

Isn't he just beautiful!! We stayed and eyed each other for a long while and 'communed' then I left and he went up the tree into the greenery